Thursday, January 2, 2025

Thankful Thursday #1

 A blogger that I love, Kristen at The Frugal Girl, The Frugal Girl - cheerfully living on less , does a weekly post of things she is thankful for, and I want to start this practice this year.

So, for the first few days of 2025, I'm thankful for:

  • PTO. I had a great week seeing family last week, and this week I'm staycationing- seeing local friends and generally resting.
  • New friends- my friend has invited me into her board game group this past year, and I got to hang out with them for new years eve playing games.
  • Old friends- I had lunch with a high school friend today and am seeing another one tomorrow. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year, More Writing?

 I have two goals for 2025. Write more, and finish some things.

I don't know about anyone else, but I have a lingering list of things I need/should do that sometimes keeps me from trying new things. 

  • I should finish those 5 books I'm in the middle of before picking up a 6th
  • It would be a good idea if I actually finished painting the walls in my house 
  • I need to get those financial things done
  • Why do I have 5 unfinished scrapbooks?
  • I need to make those phone calls
  • I really should freecycle that pile of things I've labeled freecycle...
  • I'd like to clean out my freezer by eating the random things in there and starting fresh
So if you are interested, join me this year in finishing your side quests that have lingered in your mind or on a to-do list for too long. I'm going to try and post #FinishFriday each week to keep myself accountable. 

I'm also going to try to write more in general, so we'll see how that goes. Happy New Year!