Monday, August 23, 2010

Seven Quick Takes

Seven Quick Takes:

- I am moved. Last week my move went fantastically well, due a lot to Evan and Stuart and my mom who helped a LOT. Everything made it in one piece including me J

- I drove a 16 ft truck without hitting anything- for about 8 hours! The weekend before the move I went home, saw family and friends, and mom rode back with me. Then she drove my car while I drove the truck; driving a truck was enough out of my comfort-zone as it was, without adding a tow-hitch to the equation.

- Truck weigh stations really need better directions. I just followed what the trucks in front of me did, and assumed that since no one came running out of a building chasing me down, that I did it okay. But there were really no instructions other than don’t brake hard and go 30mph… no human beings even.

- I like my new place. I’m in a condo in Decatur (e-mail if you want my address) with a roommate, who is really nice and helpful. I have my own room which is bigger than my last room, and my own bathroom, which is nice. And, it has a walk-in closet that holds a –lot- of my stuff. This makes my room much less crowded and cluttered than in previous years :D

- It is ridiculously hot here. I’m walking about 10 minutes to a shuttle stop to get to campus, since I don’t want to pay $650 for a parking pass. When I got home this afternoon, I literally jumped into a cold shower to cool off. I might start a countdown to Christmas simply because I hope by then I can go outside without breaking a sweat. Que molleja de calor!!!

- I feel like I live in the city, but it’s actually suburbia I think. It’s so much more crowded and urban-ish than obviously Blacksburg, but Gaithersburg too.

- I sort of feel like I’m in the twilight zone. New state, city, home, school, field... and I know almost no one. I feel like I might wake up tomorrow back on Mountain Breeze Drive in Blacksburg, go to work in the chemistry department, and have dinner with Becca. I’m missing all of the above. Add to that a completely new field that I know almost nothing about, filled with fellow students that went to Harvard and Berkeley and well… its very very different. Nothing bad, just getting hit by a lot of water balloons from change.

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