Monday, November 12, 2012


The last few weeks of training have been rough, because some of the subject matter is heavy, and we are so ready for training to be done.  But the last couple of days have been a lot better, as things are finishing up, the end is visible, and we’ve been planning for a party.
So on a lighter Thanksgiving-ish note, here are 30 things I’m thankful for, in no particular order:

1.  My host family.  I've had good conversations with my host mom, fun hanging out with my host sister and her adorable little girl, and Thato and I officially treat each other like brother and sister, aka half of our interactions we are laughing at and making fun of each other J
2. There are the cutest puppies EVER in our compound
3. Beginning to shop for some things for my new home at my site.  My nesting instinct is going craaaaazy
4. Obama won the election! (Not trying to throw politics at anyone, but this did legit make me very happy)
5. Our internet works again at school
6. I got a care package from my mom
7.  My fellow trainees- I’ve had some great conversations with people this week that really make my heart sing
8.   Current PCVs- there are a lot of really awesome people serving here in Botswana, and they have been very welcoming/sympathetic/friendly to us trainees
9. Cadbury chocolate
10. I can walk to school- I’d be going waaay more crazy if I wasn’t getting any exercise
11.  Fatcakes and meatpies
12.  I’ve lost 10-15 pounds.  Granted, this is mostly a result of getting rather epic food poisoning several weeks ago and subsequently not eating much meat, but I’ll take the silver lining.
13.   Being able to read hundreds of books on my kindle.  I’ve seriously read 25+ books since I’ve been here
14. PST dance parties
15. Orange and Pineapple Fanta
16. E-mails from friends back at home
17. The feeling of accomplishment I get when washing my laundry by hand
18. Gorgeous sunsets
19. PC staff, especially our language instructors.  They put up with a lot of complaining and crazy Americans and still manage to like us J
20. Catching up on my favorite web comic
21. The skit my friends made this last week about PC safety policies, which had the line: “hide yo chickens, hide yo wife!  Avian flu is comin’!”
22. Generations, the South African soap opera I’m sort of addicted to
23. The little kids in my neighborhood that yell HIII!!!!! when I walk by twice a day
24. Ridiculous thunderstorms
25. I’m going to be a junior secondary school, aka mostly working with teens
26. A fun party for our host families last Saturday
27. No more language tests for a few months
28. PC got a Sekalagadi teacher so I’ve been able to learn some Sekalagadi
29. I become an official PCV this week!
30. I’m in freaking Africa! 

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