Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I've made it 6 months!

I’ve made it 6 months in Botswana, and 4 at my site.  And I’ve almost made it through an entire school term- it ends in a week.  While six months is only about a quarter of my time here, I’m proud of myself for making it this far and not self-destructing in some way shape or form.  It’s not that I actually thought I was going to go bonkers or do something really stupid, but I’m not very good at giving myself credit for things.  I assume when I accomplish things that they mostly aren’t a big deal, because lots of other people have graduated from college, got jobs, been to grad school, joined the Peace Corps, read lots of books, whatever.  Which in itself is true, but I need to work on giving myself credit, because I’m sure good at the other side, which is beating myself up when I don’t do things right (because lots of other people have managed to do x y and z, why can’t I?).
So 6 months in, I’ve made it through lots of Peace Corps training (which has honestly been more stressful than almost anything in my village), moving to a new site, meeting tons of new people, and attempting to get a few things off the ground.  I’ve got a group of kids that meet for PACT club at my school, a group of kids that plays on my porch and in my yard, an awesome counterpart, and a really nice school head (principal).   There’s potential for getting more done next term since I’m beginning to figure out how things work/are planned.  I’ve made friends in PC (our government issued family, we like to say) and a couple so far in my village.
I’m looking forward to being able to do more in a few weeks, and for a nice break between terms to go north and see some PCVs and animals J

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