Thursday, June 5, 2014

How to plan a GLOW camp

January: Think that you should plan a GLOW camp for the next school break. 
Realize that is in May or August. 
Start scratching out a grant proposal.

January and February: Meet with other PCVs a few times to knock out details.

February: Attempt to apply for grant. Have website issues. Repeat approximately 18 times in 2 months. Spend so much time at your friend's office using her computer that you are sort of her roommate for a month, between the grant and the flooded road to your village.

March: Keep meeting with PCVs. 
Give up on grant website and just email documents to PC staff members.

April: Hold counterpart training for teachers that will be coming to camp. 
Go on vacation. Be informed that you HAVE to submit through the broken website. Curse. 
Return from vacation. Finally get grant submitted. Woo! Get feedback, resubmit.

May, week 1: Find out you are approved but you won't get the money in time for your planned camp date. Bump camp back 2 weeks. Call ALL of the people to make sure this still works.

May, week 2: Wait for funds to magically appear in your account. Double check ALL the logistics.

May, week 3: Buy food for 80 people for 5 days. 
Avert small panic attack in grocery store in the process of your shopping spree. 
Cram all of this food into 2 small hondas for transport.
Have several PCVs carry the remaining supplies on combis. Read: 10 loaves of bread and various other things, EACH.
Have the people that promised you transport try to back out. Spend the weekend trying to figure out alternatives of transporting 60 people from 10 village in a 6 hour period.

Week 4: Bully your way into getting the original transportation.
Have a GLOW camp!

If we can barely pick this up, carrying it to the bus stop will be fun.

Raquel's like, DANG that's a lot of bread.

Butternut squash or cookies anyone?

Oh, and each girl got a hygiene kit, so we had to make and move those too.

Finishing the pre-camp logistics!

Hygiene kit: A bar of soap, 5 pads, comb, Vaseline, toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth, bar of laundry soap, and deodorant, in a reusable bag.

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