Sunday, April 21, 2013

A rough week, worldwide

It's been a bit of a rough week.  That might be a bit of an understatement.

Although I have limited internet, I've been following the crazy going down in Boston, from the marathon to the lock down.  And the explosion in Texas. And it was also the 6th anniversary of the VT shootings, which is always a rough day by itself.

Add to that some stomach flu in the beginning of the week, some worries about a few things lost in my mom's move, and some drama with a couple of my students, and it was kind of a crappy week.

Then I tried to rescue a lamb I found Friday night before we got the Botswana equivalent of a hurricane. He was super cute but very young, and I had no idea how long he was separated from his mother- possibly more than 24 hours, since I saw him by himself on Thursday.  But I wrapped him in a towel and brought him inside and tried to give him some milk.  He slept a little while, but then got shivery and there wasn't much else I could do for him, and he died around 2am.  Of course I was a hot mess, and wasn't able to sleep and blah.  Luckily my cousin was online and calmed me down and reassured me I did everything I could, and was basically awesome like always :)  Since I was up, I was also on CNN and followed the FBI catching the other bombing suspect.  

So... its been a crappy week.  Yesterday I hung out with another PCV in Moleps to get groceries and get out of my house, and it was very much needed.  Aileen is awesome!

On the upside, school has started again and I've got lots of things on the calender to do there, and hopefully a lot of them actually happen :) I'm also healthy again, and hopefully there are less world tragedies in the next week :P

I promise I'll make my next post happier, since I still need to blog about my trip north!

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