Friday, April 26, 2013

a MUCH better week

This week turned out much better than last week, due to it being the 2nd week of school and things finding a rhythm, cool people, and you know, things didn't explode in the US.

- I'm now an assistant volleyball coach!  And it's a lot of fun.  I didn't realize how much I've missed volleyball until I was around it this week.  I also didn't realize how long it's been since I actually PLAYED volleyball, and I need to not injure myself =P
- I met with the PACT club at the primary school and had fun teaching them Kingdom, Wisdom, Condom, with lots of resulting giggles and enthusiasm
- Aileen (another PCV near to me) and I talked to the ENTIRE student body about HIV facts and myths.  This could also fall under challenges, but for the most part it went pretty good.  In other news, my school could use a bull horn for such events =P
- 2 of my fellow PCVs have asked me to help them with workshops in May and June- yay for being productive! (and getting to visit friends)
- getting to know a few more teachers, and I got invited to one of their houses to meet their adorable 2 year old =)
- bumped into some fellow volunteers on my shopping trip in Moleps
- my mom and friend booked their plane tickets to come see me in July!!

- No real lows- at least none in the category of things exploding in the US or animals dying on me during desert hurricanes.

- I didn't get to meet with my Lempu PACT club this week because I couldn't figure out when to meet with them- sports have sort of taken over the world this term.  So I need to keep pushing for a time to meet and chase down some kids this next week.
- Still feeling like I don't know very many students.  A lot of this is because of the language barrier. So I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and attempt to hang out with them during some free time during the school day.  It'll be super awkward at first, but maybe some conversations will happen.

- I have a teacher interested in starting an English club with me at Lempu- really hoping we can find a time and some interested kids!
- Potential to read with/help out in some classes at the primary school
- Methinks I've lined up 2 interesting groups to come and do stuff with my students and teachers- more on that when the events take place

- We randomly pulled students for a blood donation workshop, trying to promote students to participate in blood drives. They all jumped and squealed when the speaker pulled out the needle and blood bag they use though...
- I've started feeding my neighbors dog.  And by that I mean I actually bought dog food. We'll see where this goes...
- One of my teachers saw me making a poster for the HIV presentation and now wants me to help him design a visual aide of the reproductive system of a chicken
- I saw a botswana squirrel for the first time.  It looks like someone stuck a squirrel tail on a small ferret.

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