Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Things that happened today

Text message at 7:16am. Grump grump.  It was important, but today's a holiday. And... I'm up.

Waited to leave my house until the dipapata lady set up shop in the field next to me.  Instant breakast.
Missed hanging out with a teacher at school in the library due to said laziness.  Bummer.

Lent out my soccer ball and coloring book to 2 kids.

Wrote for a bit.
Water colored for a bit.
Finger painted for a bit.
Hid from children during this time.

Had the following conversation via text message with Aileen:
M: I just did an abstract watercolor of peace corps and or ministry of education. Clearly I have too much free time.
A: I am assuming there's a lot of red and vague hints of teeth in this painting. And yeah, we have too much time.
M: No actually it looks more like a tragic circus.
A: Also accurate.

There's no point to this post except to say that sometimes my life is really random.

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