Friday, August 16, 2013

Vacation Part 1: Gabs and Salajwe

When Mom and Carol came, we stayed in Gabs the first 3 days so they could rest and figure out what time zone we were in. We went to several malls, attempted to see the diamond polishing plant but failed, went to the museum near main mall, visited my counterpart in the hospital, and went to church with my PCV friend Barbara and her husband Jim. We also just rested a lot and ate good food. And took hardly any pictures, except for the monkeys at our hotel.

Then we went to my village for a few days, and I gave them the tour. Carol is a really good photographer, so a lot of these are hers.  These are all of my school.

The sign about HIV/AIDS, greeting you as you enter the grounds.

I think I photobombed some teachers in the staff lounge :)

The grounds.

School goats.

Me and Pauline, one of the art teachers :)

Me in the staff room.

A class being taught in the classroom with no walls.  It's like an amphitheater with a chalkboard. 
Also note the HIV sign on the left.

Some of the cooks in the outdoor kitchen preparing lunch.

Carol in a typical classroom.

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